<i18n dev> RFR: 8303480: Miscellaneous fixes to mostly invisible doc comments

Pavel Rappo prappo at openjdk.org
Fri Mar 3 09:41:06 UTC 2023

On Thu, 2 Mar 2023 16:23:17 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aivanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Please review this superficial documentation cleanup that was triggered by unrelated analysis of doc comments in JDK API.
>> The only effect that this multi-area PR has on the JDK API Documentation (i.e. the observable effect on the generated HTML pages) can be summarized as follows:
>>     diff -ur build/macosx-aarch64/images/docs-before/api/serialized-form.html build/macosx-aarch64/images/docs-after/api/serialized-form.html
>>     --- build/macosx-aarch64/images/docs-before/api/serialized-form.html	2023-03-02 11:47:44
>>     +++ build/macosx-aarch64/images/docs-after/api/serialized-form.html	2023-03-02 11:48:45
>>     @@ -17084,7 +17084,7 @@
>>                       throws <span class="exceptions"><a href="java.base/java/io/IOException.html" title="class in java.io">IOException</a>,
>>      <a href="java.base/java/lang/ClassNotFoundException.html" title="class in java.lang">ClassNotFoundException</a></span></div>
>>      <div class="block"><code>readObject</code> is called to restore the state of the
>>     - (@code BasicPermission} from a stream.</div>
>>     + <code>BasicPermission</code> from a stream.</div>
>>      <dl class="notes">
>>      <dt>Parameters:</dt>
>>      <dd><code>s</code> - the <code>ObjectInputStream</code> from which data is read</dd>
>> Notes
>> -----
>> * I'm not an expert in any of the affected areas, except for jdk.javadoc, and I was merely after misused tags. Because of that, I would appreciate reviews from experts in other areas.
>> * I discovered many more issues than I included in this PR. The excluded issues seem to occur in infrequently updated third-party code (e.g. javax.xml), which I assume we shouldn't touch unless necessary.
>> * I will update copyright years after (and if) the fix had been approved, as required.
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/BootstrapMethodInvoker.java line 257:
>> 255: 
>> 256:     /**
>> 257:      * @return true iff the BSM method type exactly matches
> I assume “iff” should “if”?

Here and elsewhere in this file "iff" might mean [if and only if](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_and_only_if), which would make sense. (FWIW, there are a few hundred occurrences of the word "iff" in src.)

@cl4es (Claes Redestad), as the author of those lines would you like to chime in?

Since Claes might read this, I note that when I changed unsupported `{@see}` to `{@link}` thoughtout this file, my IDE could not resolve one of the links: `java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory#metafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup,String,Class,MethodType,MethodHandle,MethodType)`

While there's a similarly-name method with slightly different parameters, I refrained from using it:


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12826

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