<i18n dev> Integrated: 8304976: Optimize DateTimeFormatterBuilder.ZoneTextPrinterParser.getTree()
Sergey Tsypanov
stsypanov at openjdk.org
Wed Mar 29 18:35:36 UTC 2023
On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 09:50:16 GMT, Sergey Tsypanov <stsypanov at openjdk.org> wrote:
> 1) When `DateTimeFormatter` is reused we don't need to copy `availableZoneIds` and allocate `nonRegionIds` as PrefixTree can be taken from cache. In the related benchmark allocation of `HashSet` takes ~93% of all time, so avoiding it should bring some improvement for cases when we reuse `DateTimeFormatter` to parse a string into `ZoneDateTime`
> 2) `DateTimeFormatter` is mostly used with one locale, so `cachedTree` and `cachedTreeCI` can have predefined size.
> @State(Scope.Thread)
> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
> public class DateTimeFormatterBenchmark {
> private static final DateTimeFormatter df = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern("yyyy:MM:dd:HH:mm:v").toFormatter();
> private static final String TEXT = "2015:03:10:12:13:ECT";
> @Setup
> public void setUp() {
> ZonedDateTime.parse(TEXT, df);
> }
> @Benchmark
> public ZonedDateTime parse() {
> return ZonedDateTime.parse(TEXT, df);
> }
> }
This pull request has now been integrated.
Changeset: 438c969b
Author: Sergey Tsypanov <stsypanov at openjdk.org>
Committer: Naoto Sato <naoto at openjdk.org>
URL: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/commit/438c969b7b07eeef0158b089e5a168849e04bf56
Stats: 62 lines in 2 files changed: 57 ins; 1 del; 4 mod
8304976: Optimize DateTimeFormatterBuilder.ZoneTextPrinterParser.getTree()
Reviewed-by: naoto
PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12612
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