[fwd] Request to include java.awt.datatransfer in compact3 profile

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Mon Feb 18 15:35:16 PST 2013

[ Forwarding to java-se-8-spec-comments, for the record ]

> From: Giorgis, Dan (Tridium) <dgiorgis at tridium.com>
> To: java-se-8-spec-observers at openjdk.java.net
> Date: Wed Feb 13 12:33:32 2013
> Followup to my post "JEP-161 questions" on the jdk8-dev list:
> I would like the Java SE group to consider adding java.awt.transfer to
> the compact3 (or smaller) profile.
> We make use of the JavaMail library in our embedded devices.  This
> requires JAF (javax.activation), which in turn requires
> java.awt.datatransfer.
> Reply on jdk8-dev from Alan Bateman:
>> Web Services (the main reason that the Java Activation Framework is
>> included in Java SE) is clearly a discussion point as it may be
>> important for some embedded server deployments. Ultimately it's up to
>> the Java SE 8 JSR of course but one could envisage including the web
>> services stack. You are right that this would mean including
>> java.awt.datatransfer to avoid incompatible changes to JAF. The good
>> news is that java.awt.datatransfer doesn't have API dependencies so
>> it can be isolated (with some implementation changes).
> Thanks,
> Dan Giorgis
> Tridium

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