Modularity in Java SE 8

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Fri Sep 21 09:13:47 PDT 2012

2012/9/14 14:00 -0700, spoole at
> IBM agrees with the deferral of full runtime modularity support to Java 9.
> However we would still like to see visible progress during Java 8 timescales
> over defining the metadata format and starting to define module boundaries, via
> a broader participation in OpenJDK as well as creation of a modularity JSR. We
> all agree that modularity will be a disruptive technology, so taking actions
> early that start to guide developers into the modular world will be beneficial.
> We should not assume that it can be achieved over a single release. Runtime
> enforcement can wait for Java 9 but other changes and definitions can and
> should continue in Java 8.

I completely agree that the transition to a modular Platform will be
disruptive, and that we should do all that we can ahead of time to help
developers prepare for it.

I also agree that we should continue to make solid progress toward the
overall goal during the Java SE 8 timeframe, both in OpenJDK and in the
eventual module-system JSR.  That is, indeed, already the plan.

I'm not completely sure whether you're suggesting that we actually define
a module-metadata format and module boundaries in Java SE 8, ahead of the
introduction of the run-time module system.  If so then I can't agree to
such a plan: It runs a big risk of getting something fundamentally wrong.
If that happens then we'd have to fix it in SE 9, and fixing fundamental
design flaws after the fact almost always leads to a poor end result.

- Mark

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