Welcome to the Java SE 9 (JSR 379) Expert Group

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Mon Jul 18 21:20:23 UTC 2016


The EG is now up.  Our primary web page is here:


We have representatives from Azul Systems, Google, IBM, Red Hat, and Oracle.

I've updated the schedule on our web page to align with the JSR 376
schedule [0].  Since the modularization of the Platform is a major component
of this JSR, our schedule necessarily follows theirs.

I've created our three mailing lists for comments, experts, and observers as
described in our primary web page.  The content on our web pages and mailing
lists is licensed for evaluation and comment only, using the standard OpenJDK
Terms of Use [1].

Over the next few weeks, I'll be creating an initial draft of the Early Draft
Review specification for us to review and discuss


[0] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jpms-spec-experts/2016-June/000305.html
[1] http://openjdk.java.net/legal/tou

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