JSR 399 (Java SE 24): JEP Proposed to Target: 492: Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview)

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Thu Nov 7 18:07:30 UTC 2024

The following JEP with scope "SE" has been proposed to target JDK 24:

  492: Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview)

  Summary: In constructors in the Java programming language, allow
  statements to appear before an explicit constructor invocation, i.e.,
  super(..) or this(..).  The statements cannot reference the instance
  under construction, but they can initialize its fields.  Initializing
  fields before invoking another constructor makes a class more reliable
  when methods are overridden.  This is a preview language feature.

The announced deadline for feedback to jdk-dev is Thu 14 Nov 20:00 UTC:


If there are no unresolved objections at that time, then the JEP will be moved
to the Targeted state, indicating that the feature is expected to appear in
the specified release of the JDK Project.  For more information about states,
see the JEP Process document:


A dashboard that lists JEPs with "SE" scope may be found via a link on this



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