JSR 388 (Java SE 13) -- Final Release Specification, RI, and TCK -- DRAFT

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Thu Aug 22 13:40:11 UTC 2019


PR-FAB begins next week [0].  Per JCP 2.11, the EC is required to vote on
the JSR based on what was posted for PR (Spec draft 26).  Assuming the
PR-FAB succeeds, I plan to submit the Specification, RI, and TCK to the JCP
PMO for the Final Release in early September.

The draft Final Release Specification is available here:


It is identical to DRAFT 33 with the exception of subtitles which were
changed from "Specification -- DRAFT 33" to "Final Release Specification --
DRAFT 1".  Changebars were also removed.

The draft Reference Implementation, based on JDK 13 build 33, is available


The RI is under the GPL license.

The draft TCK has already been made available to EG members.  The most
recent promotion is build 12, based on JDK 13 build 32.  The final TCK is
expected soon thereafter.  No significant changes are expected between the


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