next gen javadoc
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at
Wed Oct 14 22:16:32 UTC 2015
It's always fun to see people experimenting with ways to improve javadoc
but in this case, there's something even more fun coming up, which will
make your
improvements somewhat unnecessary.
I'm referring to "javadoc search", JEP 225,
Although it is specifically listed as a Non-Goal of JEP 225 to change
the current
frames layout, it may be the case that we will change the default to
show "no frames"
instead of "frames". In other words, the default view will be to show
the "main" frame,
including a search box, and to navigate to any type, constructor, method
or field
you'll be able to just enter some or all of the name and signature if
JEP 225 hints that we may eventually want to drop the "frames" view
With respect to your experiment, I would note that it is an important
use case
for javadoc documentation to be served and displayed locally, without any
interaction with any server other than the local file system.
-- Jon
On 08/20/2015 09:22 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:
> I've revisited replacing <frameset>s with a AJAX + history.pushState
> framework and thought I'd play around with the javadoc UI again.
> You can see a current working prototype at:
> Same notes and caveats as last time:
> - this is a proof-of-concept
> - navigating a hyperlink or via back and forwards buttons updates the
> address-bar URL
> - the original javadoc output HTML is completely unchanged.
> - the UI is in one separate HTML document...
> - so updating the UI is simple and independent of javadoc generation
> - there is only this one modified javadoc set on the site. If you view
> this set and follow a hyperlink to an external page then you will
> receive an error page
> - there is also a javascript bookmarklet that can apply the UI to
> javadoc7,8,9 generated sites.
> Feedback is welcome.
> regards,
> Sean
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