Feedback on javadoc UI changes

Hannes Wallnöfer hannes.wallnoefer at
Wed Oct 9 17:29:06 UTC 2019

The javadoc team is considering changes to the UI of javadoc generated pages, specifically the behaviour of the top navigation bar and navigating to anchors within a page. Since this would affect all JDK users we thought it was a good idea to present/discuss the alternatives here on jdk-dev. 

The feedback we are looking for:

- What do you prefer for scrolling up and down a page? Do you find the moving parts useful or distracting?
- Which version is best for navigating to an anchor within a page (e.g. member search or internal links)?
- Do you experience any technical problems with your particular browser?

Here are the three versions:

Version 1 is the conservative fix, it retains the fixed navigation bar, changes are mostly under the hood:

Version 2: When scrolling down, the navigation bar slides upwards and disappears. When scrolling back up or starting to type for a search, it slides back in again.

Version 3: Like version 2, but the part of the navigation bar that contains the search box and page-local links always remains visible. There’s an arrow symbol on the left to make the full navigation bar reappear.


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