RFR: JDK-8241895 use new "details-list" CSS class instead of general "block-list" for list of details sections

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Wed Apr 1 00:27:17 UTC 2020

Please review the next in the series to clean up the use of "block-list" 
CSS class.

The previous review (JDK-8241625) handled the nested lists for the 
details for members of a given kind. This review is for the enclosing 
list ... the list of nested lists for members of a given kind.  The CSS 
class is changed from "block-list" to "details-list"

The mechanism and code flow is much the same as in the previous review. 
Starting with the builder class for each kind of member, a new method is 
used to create a new "details list". That is passed down into the writer 
and writer-impl, where eventually a call of `getMemberTree` is replaced 
by a call to another new method to create a new "details list item". 
I've taken the opportunity to restructure the code a bit when creating 
the details list item, but the content of the details list item should 
be exactly the same as before.


I don't like the fact that the call to create and add a "details list 
item" is so far removed from the call to create a "details list". This 
makes me want to have some of these builder methods return what they 
build instead of add it into a container.  Maybe soon...

In WriterFactoryImpl, a cast has been changed from 
(SubWriterHolderWriter) to an appropriate WriterImpl class. The old cast 
was a "sideways cast", which was somewhat weird. The new cast is a cast 
down to the impl subtype, but is then widened to SubWriterHolderWriter 
inside the constructor that is called. The use of SubWriterHolderWriter 
is still a bit weird, but is now a bit less weird. The IDE seems to be 
happier as well, and better able to locate impls of some of the 
interface methods.

In the Builder classes, I replaced a "skip if null" check from various 
methods with a defensive Objects.requireNonNull call in the constructor.

The names of the new CSS classes can be thought of as placeholders. The 
point is that they are new unique names, that can be easily changed if 
and when we decide to open up the naming bikeshed.

I don't know if the benefits outweigh the "complexity", but one 
possibility is for these lists (member list, detail list, etc) to use an 
abstract subtype of Content such that adding items to the list would 
automatically wrap them in <li> elements. That would cut down on some of 
the new methods being added, since they would become instance methods on 
this new abstract type of content.

Coming soon:

Summary lists?

-- Jon

JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241895
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8241895/webrev.00/
API: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8241895/api.00/

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