Sources read from classpath JARs cause errors during compilation

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Mon Jan 13 18:56:38 UTC 2020


Hmm, interesting case. Thanks for reporting, complete with a description 
of the stripped down test-case.

For what it's worth, this looks like a javac issue more than a javadoc 
issue, because for the most part, javadoc delegates path handling and 
source/class loading to javac.

-- Jon

On 01/13/2020 09:31 AM, Dawid Weiss wrote:
> Here is another gem I discovered while porting an ant build to gradle.
> Applies to Java 11-14. Say you're compiling class Bat like this:
> javadoc -classpath p2.jar -d tmp p3/bat/
> p2 contains class Baz which Bat imports. Baz in turn has a reference
> to a class not on classpath (annotation, for example).
> The runtime behavior now forks into two scenarios:
> 1) p2 contains just Baz.class: compilation succeeds, documentation is generated.
> 1) p2 contains Baz.class AND (sources inside the archive):
> javadoc fails with something like this:
> Loading source file p3\bat\
> Constructing Javadoc information...
> O:\repos\lucene-gradle-master\solr\solrj\build\tmp\repro\p2.jar(/baz/
> error: package bar does not exist
> import bar.Bar;
>            ^
> O:\repos\lucene-gradle-master\solr\solrj\build\tmp\repro\p2.jar(/baz/
> error: cannot find symbol
> @Bar
>   ^
>    symbol: class Bar
> 2 errors
> Note the error message refers to the source file from classpath (!),
> not javadoc's source path.
> This causes grief when you don't have control over classpath entries.
> In Lucene's case it's this one:
> zookeeper-jute-3.5.5.jar(/org/apache/zookeeper/data/
> error: package org.apache.yetus.audience does not exist
> import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
>                                  ^
> A repro code for the above is attached to the Lucene issue at [1]
> (can't send attachments from gmail).
> Dawid
> [1]

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