RFR: JDK-8241625 use new "member-list" CSS class instead of general "block-list" for list of members

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Sat Mar 28 00:44:02 UTC 2020

Please review the first in a series of steps to simplify the (re)use of 
the CSS class "block-list".

There are two parts:

1. The first part is simple but moderately pervasive, but conceptually 
easy to review. The use of `class="block-list"` is removed from all <li> 
elements. There is a corresponding small change in the stylesheet so that
     ul.block-list li.block-list
is replaced by
     ul.block-list > li
The use of '>' ensure that the corresponding styles only apply to 
immediate children of `ul.block-list`.

2. The second part is more complicated but less pervasive. Within each 
list of details sections (Field Details, Method Details, etc) there is a 
list of members. Currently, both the enclosing list and the member lists 
use `block-list`.  With the proposed change, the inner, nested lists are 
changed to use a new CSS class called `member-list`.  Part of the 
complication is that the same Java methods were being used to construct 
the <ul> and <li> elements for the two different types of list. 
(Obviously, different code was used to create the contents of the <li> 
elements.) So, the problem was to track down where the list and list 
items for the member lists were being created and to create and use new 
method calls instead of the shared method calls.

The code sequences starts off in the builder for each of the different 
kinds of member elements: fields, constructor, method, etc), each of 
which calls code on the corresponding writer class. Somewhat surprising, 
there was no common supertype for these writers, so I've created and 
used a new interface MemberWriter that is a supertype of the different 
types of member writer. The code in the member WriterImpl leverages a 
shared impl in SubWriterHolderWriter that creates the new element 
nodes.  There's more than a little code-smell with 
SubWriterHolderWriter, including a side-ways cast, that I now 
understand, and will look to fix soon, but not here in this changeset.

The new MemberWriter interface only has the two new methods in it for 
now, but I foresee the possibility of renaming and pulling up method 
definitions from the immediate subtypes.

The new coding pattern should be the same for each of the kinds of member.

I removed an unnecessary call in each writer that caused the builder to 
go through two steps instead of one.  These are methods with names like 

The names of new methods deliberately emphasis their conceptual role:  
getMemberList and getMemberListItem. Writing this description, I'd be 
open to starting to use a different (but otherwise standard) convention 
of newMemberList, newMemberListItem.

The new member-list class uses the exact same definitions as block-list 
in the stylesheet.  Thus, the intent is that there should be no change 
in the direct visual appearance of each type declaration page.  We're 
just changing the new of the CSS class that is used.

There are trivial changes to HelpWriter that are necessary until the 
parallel review to improve HelpWriter is pushed.

There are some minor cleanups, most notably fixing @link references to 
BaseOptions.noComment() which were not updated when we automatically 
encapsulated the fields in BaseOptions.

I've added a new test that for now tests the new member-list code.  As 
we improve other uses of block-list, I envisage this test being updated 
for additional new kinds of lists.


JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241625
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8241625/webrev.00/
API: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8241625/api.00/

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