RFR: 8309632: JDK 21 RDP1 L10n resource files update [v2]

Justin Lu jlu at openjdk.org
Mon Jun 12 22:32:34 UTC 2023

On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 22:17:25 GMT, Eirik Bjorsnos <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Justin Lu has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>>   Revert 'main.help.opt.any.file' value for _de
> src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/resources/jar_de.properties line 115:
>> 113: main.help.opt.main.validate=\      --validate             Validiert den Inhalt des JAR-Archivs. Diese Option\n                             validiert, dass die von einem Multi-Release-JAR-Archiv\n                             exportierte API \u00FCber die verschiedenen Releaseversionen\n                             hinweg konsistent ist.
>> 114: main.help.opt.any=\ In jedem Modus g\u00FCltige Vorgangsmodifikatoren:\n\n  -C DIR                     Zum angegebenen Verzeichnis wechseln und die folgende\n                             Datei aufnehmen
>> 115: main.help.opt.any.file=\  -f, --file=FILE            Der Name der Archivdatei. Wenn Sie dies lauslassen, wird entweder stdin oder\n                             stdout verwendet, je nach Vorgang\n      --release VERSION      Speichert alle der folgenden Dateien in einem versionierten Verzeichnis\n                             der JAR-Datei (d.h. META-INF/versions/VERSION/)
> This change looks suspicious to me. The English word used is “omitted”. “Auslassen” is to “Leave out”, while “lauslassen” is to “let go”. A native German speaker should confirm, I have only high school level German..

Thanks for catching that. The translation tool incorrectly translated this, and we had manually fixed it with `Auslassen` in the last translation drop. This was an instance of the tool simply overwriting it this time. Will file a bug against the translation tool regarding this, to prevent it in future translation drops.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14430#discussion_r1227305807

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