New candidate JEP: 467: Markdown Documentation Comments

John Neffenger john at
Wed Feb 28 05:51:15 UTC 2024

On 2/27/24 1:44 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
> In the section "alternatives", where using the new syntax /// is
> discussed, we may want to add a sentence about the fact that Rust,
> Swift or C# also use /// as doc comment, so it's not a new syntax
> specific to Java.

Perhaps we could also add a sentence about the reasons for choosing the 
/// syntax over other more subtle indicators, such as /***...*/ for 
example. I'm curious myself, and the question came up on the Hacker News 
discussion of the feature today. [1]

Regardless of the prefix, I think this feature is going to be very well 
received. Thank you, Jonathan!



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