RFR 7902161 : Discover simple getters, setters, throwers and delegators.
Alexey Fedorchenko
alexey.fedorchenko at oracle.com
Tue May 8 18:54:17 UTC 2018
Thank you for the contribution.
Could you, please, address these few things to look deeper in the plugin functionality:
- readme file can help plugin users to understand how to run the plugin and what to expect (for an example what minimal JDK to use because it differs from the JCov required level)
- build.xml has “dest” “testng.jar” properties, it looks like the patch missed the default properties file.
- default target in the build.xml is “dist” but the target does not exist in the build.xml
- what ASM is required by the plugin?
Current requirement (asm.tree.checksum) is set to asm-tree-6.0 by the OS JCov build, but Scanner class uses clazz.methods list as the list of the MethodNodes (the change from the 6.1).
Thank you.
> On May 3, 2018, at 3:20 PM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline <alexandre.iline at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> Could you please take a look on this suggested addition to JCov.
> It is a tool which could be used to discover “simple” methods in the code to later be used for filtering of coverage data, such as for ANC code.
> Functionality: While writing, I did make a number of design choices which may or may not be the most practical ones, so I would welcome any sort of feedback.
> Testing: There are _some_ tests - not a complete coverage, which would require testing many combinations of bytecode operations. All tests are true “unit” tests with the exception of MainTest. Tests are executable from ant build script.
> Documentation: There is _some_ javadoc here and there and there is a usage information - altogether not enough to consider the tool to be completely documented. But … it’s an open-source and the code is right next to the documentation … and the tool is for people with dev background, so I think we can start with what t is there already and add more later. Do let me know if something is incorrect, unclear or confusing - I will have it fixed.
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/7902161/webrev.00
> Thank you.
> Shura
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