Current specdiffs for JDBC 4.2

Lance Andersen - Oracle Lance.Andersen at
Tue Dec 18 08:53:23 PST 2012

Can be found at  Currently I am having issues pulling over the openjdk website to update so from talking with Alan this made the most sense to do.

There will be additional changes for 310 in which will add a couple of methods to java.sql Date, Time, Timestamp to aid in moving to/from LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime.   This will be done as part of the 310 integration work.  When310 integration is done, updates will also be added to and

No support for SQL Interval or the 310 Period will happen in this release as it is not a priority and we have to think it out more as Period does not quite line up with what we need for SQL Interval (and this is not a big priority from JDBC vendors)

Additional minor cleanup and clarifications will probably happen in some of the other methods before the end game as time permits


Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803
Lance.Andersen at

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