Postgres uses ? as an operator; may its JDBC driver allow escaping?

Mark Rotteveel mark at
Mon Feb 11 13:02:57 PST 2013

On 11-2-2013 21:44, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> Lets be practical: the SQL standard defines a lot of things that don't
> match with reality, and PostgreSQL does actually have the ? as an
> operator which currently isn't supported by their JDBC driver.

The JDBC spec section 6.2 (Guidelines and Requirements) says:
"Drivers should provide access to every feature implemented by the 
underlying data source, including features that extend the JDBC API. The 
intent is for applications using the JDBC API to have access to the same 
feature set as native applications."

That guideline in this case is a bit hard to actually follow ;)

Mark Rotteveel

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