Allowed conversions of java.time Objects

Mark Rotteveel mark at
Wed Feb 12 13:28:05 PST 2014

I am currently implementing some of the new java.time conversions for 
JDBC 4.2 and I am wondering if there might be some conversions missing 
from the changelog.

According to the changelog 
the Table B-5 mapping for java.time.LocalDate is:

In this list I'd also expect TIMESTAMP (as a similar mapping does exist 
for java.sql.Date).

Similarly the mapping for LocalTime also misses TIMESTAMP (as does exist 
for java.sql.Time).

Is this intentional, or an omission? If the former: what is the rationale?

Similarly: shouldn't a conversion from OffsetTime and OffsetDateTime to 
TIME respectively TIMESTAMP be allowed as well?

PS Also note that the changelog talks about javax.time, while the JSR 
310 classes are in java.time
Mark Rotteveel

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