CompletionStage instead of Future for Submission#cancel return type?

Sebastien Deleuze sdeleuze at
Sun Dec 3 20:27:54 UTC 2017

I tend to think the CompletionStage return type clearly express the fact
the the result could complete or not.
Another option is to use some kind of convention for specifying the
CompletionStage nature, like getAsyncResult() or getResultAsync(), but I
don't find this very elegant and it duplicates an information we already
have with the return type.

Could you please indicate me where I can find the latest Javadoc and source
code, since the URLs I have [1] [2] are outdated?


On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 7:56 AM, Douglas Surber <douglas.surber at>

> The return value of cancel was overlooked when I modified everything to
> use CompletionStage. Thanks for pointing it out. It’s fixed now.
> I agree about the name “getCompletionStage”; I’m not sure about it.
> “getResult” is better in some ways but it seems to me to be over promising.
> The method doesn’t get the result, it gets a CompletionStage which will be
> completed with the result. I’d be happy to change the name, but I’m not
> convinced that “getResult” is the right name.
> Douglas
> > On Nov 23, 2017, at 7:00 AM, Sebastien Deleuze <sdeleuze at>
> wrote:
> >
> > While reviewing ADBA API, I noticed that Submission#cancel returns Future
> > [1], which in practice is mostly usable in a blocking way since get() is
> > blocking, checking regularly isDone() is not convenient at all, and
> > unlike CompletionStage it does not provide a way to register a complete
> > callback.
> >
> > Is there any specific reason why CompletionStage<Boolean> can't be used
> > there as return type? In addition to providing a non-blocking API, that
> > would be also more consistent.
> >
> > I am also not sure about Submission#getCompletionStage method name. Maybe
> > something like Submission#getResult would be more clear than just naming
> it
> > against the return type, especially if there are 2 methods returning
> > CompletionStage
> > like in my proposal.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > [1]
> >
> Submission.html#cancel--

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