java.sql2 DynamicMultiOperation with interlaced exceptions
Douglas Surber
douglas.surber at
Wed Oct 4 16:21:00 UTC 2017
Interlaced errors was not considered. It would be simple to add a Throwable as a third arg to ResultHandler.handle. Having two args of which one was always null is a bit of a hack. Three is definitely a hack. So I would eliminate ResultHandler and add the following methods to DynamicMultiOperation:
public DynamicMultiOperation<T> onCount(BiConsumer<Integer, CountOperation<T>> handler);
public DynamicMultiOperation<T> onRows(BiConsumer<Integer, RowOperation<T>> handler);
public DynamicMultiOperation<T> onError(BiConsumer<Integer, Throwable> handler);
If there is no handler for a result the result is ignored or the Operation completes exceptionally. Not sure which would be better.
> On Oct 4, 2017, at 2:22 AM, Lukas Eder <lukas.eder at> wrote:
> Hello,
> The java.sql2 API contains a DynamicMultiOperation type which seems
> intended for use with statement batches or procedure calls that produce an
> unknown set of:
> - Update counts
> - Result sets
> - Exceptions
> Unfortunately, I'm missing the part where interlaced exceptions can be
> received. This may be SQL Server (and perhaps MySQL) specific, as I haven't
> really encountered this in any other databases. But in SQL Server, when
> running the following statement batch:
> INSERT INTO @t VALUES (1),(2),(3);
> RAISERROR('message 1', 16, 2, 3);
> RAISERROR('message 2', 16, 2, 3);
> RAISERROR('message 3', 16, 2, 3);
> We can run the following, complete program (taken from a blog post I've
> written recently [1]):
> String sql = "DECLARE @t TABLE(i INT);\r\n" +
> "INSERT INTO @t VALUES (1),(2),(3);\r\n" +
> "RAISERROR('message 1', 16, 2, 3);\r\n" +
> "RAISERROR('message 2', 16, 2, 3);\r\n" +
> "SELECT * FROM @t\r\n" +
> "RAISERROR('message 3', 16, 2, 3);";
> try (Connection c = new
>, properties);
> Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
> fetchLoop:
> for (int i = 0, updateCount = 0; i < 256; i++) {
> try {
> boolean result = (i == 0)
> ? s.execute(sql)
> : s.getMoreResults();
> SQLWarning w = s.getWarnings();
> for (int j = 0; j < 255 && w != null; j++) {
> System.out.println("Warning : " + w.getMessage());
> w = w.getNextWarning();
> }
> s.clearWarnings();
> if (result)
> try (ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet()) {
> System.out.println("Result :");
> ResultSetMetaData m = rs.getMetaData();
> while (
> for (int col = 1; col <= m.getColumnCount();
> col++)
> System.out.println(
> " " + m.getColumnName(col) +
> ": " + rs.getInt(col));
> }
> else if ((updateCount = s.getUpdateCount()) != -1)
> System.out.println("Update Count: " + updateCount);
> else
> break fetchLoop;
> }
> catch (SQLException e) {
> System.out.println("Exception : " + e.getMessage());
> }
> }
> }
> And get this result:
> Update Count: 3
> Exception : message 1
> Exception : message 2
> Result :
> i: 1
> i: 2
> i: 3
> Exception : message 3
> I currently don't see a way how the exception messages "message 1" /
> "message 2" / "message 3" can be fetched through the DynamicMultiOperation.
> Could you perhaps show an example?
> Thanks,
> Lukas
> [1]:
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