ADBA feedback

Mark Rotteveel mark at
Fri Apr 27 10:02:17 UTC 2018

On 26-4-2018 22:44, Douglas Surber wrote:
>> 6) Why is Row.rowNumber() zero based? That's very confusing. E.g. Row.get()
>> is still 1-based, and all SQL databases that support either ROWNUM or
>> ROW_NUMBER() OVER () functions will produce 1-based row numbers
> Because everything else in Java is zero based. If the consensus is to change this, that’s fine with me.

Given JDBC is 1-based, the SQL standard is 1-based, and other parts of 
ADBA are also 1-based, I think following the principle of least surprise 
and use 1-based here as well would be a better choice.

The only part where this runs afoul is things like 
`Result.getIdentifiers` returning a (0-based) array. Maybe add an 
explicit warning about it being 0-based there.

The alternative would be to make the whole of ADBA 0-based, but that is 
likely more confusing for people used to JDBC and SQL 1-based behavior.

Mark Rotteveel

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