ADBA feedback

Douglas Surber douglas.surber at
Fri Apr 27 15:25:58 UTC 2018

I also changed Result.Count to Result.RowCount and Result.RowCount#getRowCount. These and other changes will show up in the next push of ADBA. 

I’m updating AoJ and we will continue to push changes to keep AoJ in sync with ADBA at least for the time being. I don’t expect to push bug fixes or new features.


> On Apr 26, 2018, at 1:44 PM, Douglas Surber <DOUGLAS.SURBER at> wrote:
>> 3) CountOperation seems wrong. Why not UpdateOperation (like JDBC's
>> executeUpdate()), or at even better: RowCountOperation? Because
>> o The term "count" implies to me that a SELECT COUNT(*) query was run
>> o not all "Count" operations actually return a meaningful rowcount, e.g.
>> DDL statements
> RowCountOperation is definitely a better name. I’ll make that change.

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