JDBC improvements and convenience method suggestions

Douglas Surber douglas.surber at oracle.com
Thu Jul 12 16:29:23 UTC 2018

Yes. I know the issue. I’m working on a response. It may take a day or two.


> On Jul 12, 2018, at 9:24 AM, Lance Andersen <lance.andersen at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> Thank you for your list.  I will go through it and hopefully others will comment
> WRT  the freeable interface and close(), we originally wanted to use the method name close() but there was an issue (2005) for Oracle  for Clob/Blob. which I am trying to find the email with the details but cannot, that prevented us from doing so and because of that we went with free.  For SQLXML there was not an issue but the EG preferred at the time to be consistent.  It would be easy enough to add close() to SQLXML though.
> Douglas, do you remember the issue you had at the time?  I noticed that the close() method is now deprecated in the oracle driver.
>> On Jul 12, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Lukas Eder <lukas.eder at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Some time has passed since I had suggested some JDBC improvements and Lance
>> was so kind to offer looking into concrete suggestions that I might have:
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdbc-spec-discuss/2017-November/000243.html
>> I have finally found some time to actually do that. I have forked an
>> inofficial git clone of the OpenJDK repository and committed my suggestions
>> directly there:
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/tree/jdk/jdk/src/java.sql/share/classes
>> There are 8 suggestions in total:
>> 1. Add java.sql.Freeable and let Array, Blob, Clob, and SQLXML extend it
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/acc17baa91a05525951f27e227731ac1206ee9e0
>> One thing that has been bothering me a bit in the past is the fact that
>> these 4 types Array, Blob, Clob, and SQLXML have received new free()
>> methods in Java 6 / JDBC 4.0, which I believe should have been called
>> close() instead, and then in Java 7, the types should have extended
>> AutoCloseable.
>> However, it is not too late to retrofit this by adding a new Freeable API
>> (this is optional, prevents repeating the fix) and letting Freeable
>> delegate to AutoCloseable. On the user side, this would be possible:
>> try (Clob clob = connection.createClob()) {
>>   ...
>> }
>> I guess this doesn't need any further explanation.
>> 2. Add PreparedStatement.set(Object...)
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/2bf968dca742989309379c8d2550979baf07c0d5
>> One of the bigger pain points in JDBC is the fact that indexed parameters
>> are 1 based and have to be incremented manually on a per bind parameter
>> basis. It would be *much* more convenient in many many cases, if there was
>> a method that allows for passing a vararg of arbitrary values, simply
>> delegating to setObject(), i.e.
>> try (PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(
>>   "INSERT INTO t VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) {
>>   s.set(1, 2, 3);
>>   s.executeUpdate();
>> }
>> For most types, this works just fine and if someone needs a special data
>> type that would require one of the other setObject() overloads, they can
>> still revert to the status quo for that particular statement.
>> I think this would greatly help!
>> 3. Add Connection.executeXYZ() methods
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/e77db3e28b24d24e220a215c396c10bf8adf2d30
>> In many cases, there is not really a need for keeping around intermediary
>> Statement or PreparedStatement references. In a recent non-representative
>> poll I've done on twitter (182 answers), I've had about equal numbers of
>> answers among people:
>> - caching and reusing prepared statements
>> - creating new statements all the time (this includes people who don't use
>> JDBC directly, most ORMs don't keep around open statements)
>> Poll here:
>> https://twitter.com/lukaseder/status/974229231076077568
>> For those people who do not cache prepared statements, I think being able
>> to execute SQL directly on the JDBC connection would be very helpful. E.g.
>> // Static statement
>> connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 2, 3)");
>> Instead of
>> try (Statement s = connection.createStatement()) {
>>   s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 2, 3)");
>> }
>> Or this
>> // PreparedStatement
>> connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO t VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 2, 3);
>> Instead of
>> try (Statement s = connection.prepareStatement(
>>   "INSERT INTO t VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) {
>>   // New suggested method in section 2
>>   s.set(1, 2, 3);
>>   // Today's approach
>>   s.setInt(1, 1);
>>   s.setInt(2, 2);
>>   s.setInt(3, 3);
>>   s.executeUpdate();
>> }
>> I think the value in reduced boiler plate is very obvious. A hint in the
>> Javadoc indicating that this does not cache the statements should suffice
>> for those who are more performance aware / who can actually profit from
>> caching the statements.
>> 4. Add Result.get():Object[]
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/03a63116b935977b229b8bee4d9b526f71923eee
>> Similar to PreparedStatement.set(Object[]), being able to fetch an entire
>> row from a ResultSet is very useful to tools that process result sets
>> generically. The simplest possible type is Object[], but a new java.sql.Row
>> type would be reasonable as well (ADBA is going to offer such a type).
>> I think this is self explanatory.
>> 5. Let ResultSet extends Iterable<Object[]>
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/7daefde1134099baa1923c3f120789069c5f6917
>> Once ResultSet exposes entire rows as types, that type could also be
>> offered through ResultSet extending Iterable<ThatType>. In my example, it's
>> Iterable<Object[]>, but a new java.sql.Row type would be even better. I'm
>> suggesting Iterable here instead of Iterator for 2 reasons:
>> - It's the more appropriate type for rewindable / scroll sensitive result
>> sets. For instance, every time ResultSet.iterator() is called, this could
>> go back to ResultSet.beforeFirst(). To be defined.
>> - ResultSet.next() already returns boolean, so ResultSet cannot extend
>> Iterator, whose next() method returns T
>> The fact that JDBC's ResultSet is so disconnected from the java.util
>> collection types is a big issue for many JDBC users. Making it Iterable<T>
>> or even List<T> (because technically, it *is* a list) would greatly help
>> working with JDBC. I'm not suggesting List<T> because that would imply that:
>> - Wasteful operations could be done accidentally, e.g. jumping around the
>> list randomly
>> - JDBC drivers would have to buffer the results
>> But Iterable is definitely useful. Imagine, with the previous improvements
>> to do this:
>> try (ResultSet rs = connection.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM t")) {
>>   for (Object[] row : rs) {
>>     System.out.println(row[0] + ":" + row[1]);
>>   }
>> }
>> Makes me wish for a for-with-resources as well that iterates over
>> (Iterable<T> & AutoCloseable) and closes the object after (un)successful
>> iteration :-)
>> 6. Add SQLInput.getConnection() and SQLOutput.getConnection()
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/39aeb8c0dbf86b1fe0a4df847bca22127047667c
>> This is something I've been missing every time when I worked with Oracle
>> OBJECT types. Binding them through JDBC directly is non trivial, especially
>> when nesting OBJECT and TABLE types. Imagine writing an OBJECT type to
>> SQLOutput and having to create java.sql.Array types from within SQLData.
>> There is no way to access the JDBC Connection which is needed to create
>> arrays either through standard JDBC
>> - Connection.createArray(...)
>> Or through ojdbc
>> - OracleConnection.createARRAY(...)
>> The workaround is nasty: Store the JDBC Connection in some ThreadLocal or
>> other utility that is statically accessible from a SQLData instance, and
>> access it from there. It would be much better if SQLInput and SQLOutput
>> would offer these two methods.
>> 7. Add Connection.transaction() overloads for functional transaction usage
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/12c9591ca9066e676001fd6e67e18b7d444d0a32
>> This is something that people have come to appreciate a lot in jOOQ: A
>> functional transaction API that builds on top of the existing procedural
>> one. I think other libraries have similar utilities.
>> The user code could look like this:
>> connection.transaction(() -> {
>>   connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO .."); // Using suggested methods
>>   connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO ..");
>> });
>> How does it work?
>> - If the above lambda completes normally: Commit
>> - If the above lambda throws an exception: Roll back
>> This can go a step further: Nested transactions with implicit breakpoints
>> // Implicit transaction start here
>> connection.transaction(() -> {
>>   connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO .."); // Using suggested methods
>>   try {
>>     // Implicit savepoint here
>>     connection.transaction(() -> {
>>       connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO ..");
>>     });
>>   }
>>   // In case of exception implicit rollback to savepoint
>>   catch (SQLException ignore) {}
>> });
>> // In case of normal completion, the first insert will be committed,
>> // the second one might have been rolled back
>> My implementation suggestion on GitHub includes:
>> - 4 new functional interfaces that allow for passing different types of
>> lambdas to the transaction() method:
>> o () -> {} // void compatible
>> o (Connection c) -> {}
>> o () -> someResult
>> o (Connection c) -> someResult
>> - A draft implementation that uses a hack to store the savepoints in some
>> connection state. A more thorough solution would be needed of course, but I
>> think it nicely illustrates the use-case.
>> 8. Add DataSource.connect() methods
>> https://github.com/lukaseder/openjdk/commit/9a2eebea7869a3e9e81347a965bd9e65b41bc1bd
>> Another place where lambdas could be useful is the DataSource type. When
>> obtaining a DataSource from somewhere, the procedural approach of getting a
>> connection and closing it feels a bit weird, even years after using it. I
>> think this would be more intuitive:
>> datasource.connect(c -> {
>>   c.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO t VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 2, 3);
>>   c.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO u VALUES (?, ?)", "a", "b");
>> });
>> This is much shorter than today's:
>> try (Connection c = datasource.getConnection();
>>     PreparedStatement s1 = c.prepareStatement(
>>     "INSERT INTO t VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
>>     PreparedStatement s2 = c.prepareStatement(
>>     "INSERT INTO u VALUES (?, ?)")) {
>>   s1.setInt(1, 1);
>>   s1.setInt(2, 2);
>>   s1.setInt(3, 3);
>>   s1.executeUpdate();
>>   s2.setString(1, "a");
>>   s2.setString(2, "b");
>>   s1.executeUpdate();
>> }
>> I think that's an improvement, isn't it?
>> This is all I can think of right now. Looking forward to your feedback,
>> Lukas
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