ADBA feedback

Lance Andersen lance.andersen at
Tue May 1 11:47:09 UTC 2018

> On May 1, 2018, at 7:37 AM, Mark Rotteveel <mark at> wrote:
> On 30-4-2018 18:25, Douglas Surber wrote:
>> If there are several similar columns in sequence, then an off-by-one error may be difficult to detect. The redundant specification of the column makes it easier to detect such errors. While it allows runtime detection of errors, it doesn’t eliminate column counting and index shifting.
>> With respect to case, I’d say the spec should be silent. Vendors can do whatever is appropriate for their database. For example Oracle Database would likely ignore case but would support case-sensitive double quoted identifiers, “\”lower case identifier with spaces\”’.
> I would really prefer if ADBA uses the same rules as JDBC, instead of just making this a free-for-all which will only lead to confusion and mismatches in expectations between drivers. Consistency is important.

Yes, I agree something needs specified and as I mentioned in my previous email,

> Mark
> -- 
> Mark Rotteveel

 <> <>
 <>Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
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Burlington, MA 01803
Lance.Andersen at <mailto:Lance.Andersen at>

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