referencing columns

Vladimir Sitnikov sitnikov.vladimir at
Mon May 7 11:28:26 UTC 2018

Lukas>  public interface Column {
Lukas>     public Row row();

Could you please clarify how that is supposed to advance?
Do you mean application would have to iterate over rows, and for each row
it should call `Row#at(int column)` then it should access

It does look like lots of extra Column instantiations, especially for large
result sets.

Lukas>  public interface Column {
Lukas>    public <T> Class<T> javaType();

What do you mean by that?
Suppose the column is backed by a int array at the database side (e.g.
int4[] for PostgreSQL).
Which Class that `javaType` is supposed to return?
Should it be Object[].class? Should it be Integer[].class? Should it be
Could it depend on the phase of the moon? (e.g. flip between subsequent
executions of the same query)

Lukas>  E.g. slice (probably not such a
Lukas>  frequent use-case) could be achieved by adding columnStream()

I agree, slice method looks odd.


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