SQL 2016 MATCH RECOGNIZE JDBC parameter Marker / Escape Characters

pm at netcetera.ch pm at netcetera.ch
Tue Oct 9 14:32:11 UTC 2018

On 09.10.18 13:22, Dave Cramer wrote:
> PostgreSQL has a related problem in that ? is actually an operator for
> hstore, so in some cases we needed to allow ? to not be used ad a parameter
> marker. We solved it by using double question marks ?? to denote the hstore
> operator.
> Obviously I'd love to see this solution get in the spec.
> FWIW I find the {\..\} to be verbose.. as Douglas mentioned the \ will have
> to be doubled so it is really going to look like

Not with Java 12+ raw string literals [1]. As far as I understand this 
would be a change to the JDBC specification and the JDBC version is tied 
to the Java SE version. So this change would only be Java 12+ anyways.

  [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/326


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