Latest push

Mark Rotteveel mark at
Sat Oct 27 13:36:34 UTC 2018

Douglas, the repository 
cannot be checked out on Windows because it has a path with a filename 
`con` which is not allowed on Windows. This results in an error on checkout:

error: unable to stat just-written file optimizer/first_rows/con: No 
such file or directory

Maybe you can communicate to the people responsible for this repository.

I had to do a sparse-checkout to get the latest AoJ sources.


On 22-10-2018 17:27, Douglas Surber wrote:
> We just pushed updates to ADBA and AoJ.
> ADBA changes:
> 	Removed Session.activate and Session.deactivate
> 	Revised Session.Lifecycle
> 	Revised Result.Column to be more consistent
> AoJ changes:
> 	Updates to conform to ADBA changes
> 	Implemented all Operations
> 	Implemented real tests
> We have only run the tests with Oracle Database. If you can run on another database let us know what you find.
> Douglas

Mark Rotteveel

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