Reactive streams and aggregate reads and writes
Douglas Surber
douglas.surber at
Wed Jan 16 16:55:41 UTC 2019
Inspired by Viktor's comments and the code David provided.
I'm very unsure whether subsequent Operations should change the sequence of bytes published.
* Return an Operation the result of which will publish the bytes of this Blob
* in order from the position at the time the Operation is completed.
* Subsequent Operations on this Blob will not change the sequence of bytes
* published. Any bytes between the position and the limit when the call to
* onNext returns will not be between the position and the limit in the
* ByteBuffer passed to the next call. The Publisher obtains the ByteBuffers
* to pass to Subscriber.onNext from {@code source}.
* @param source the supplier of ByteBuffers to pass to onNext.
* @return a Publisher for the bytes of this Blob
public Operation<Flow.Publisher<ByteBuffer>> publisherOperation(Supplier<ByteBuffer> source);
* Return an Operation the result of which is a Subscriber which will insert
* the bytes published to it into this Blob at the position at the time the
* Operation is completed. Subsequent Operations on this Blob will not change
* the position at which subsequent published bytes are inserted. After the
* bytes have been read from the ByteBuffer, that buffer is passed to
* {@code releaser} and no longer retained.
* @param releaser called when the ByteBuffers passed to onNext are no longer
* needed
* @return a Subscriber to the bytes of this Blob
public Operation<Flow.Subscriber<ByteBuffer>> subscriberOperation(Consumer<ByteBuffer> releaser);
* Return the default ByteBuffer supplier for the Publishers of this Blob's
* bytes. If {@code strict} is true, the defaultByteBufferSupplier and
* defaultByteBufferReleaser of a single Blob must be used as a pair and only
* for reading/writing bytes from/to that Blob. Failure to do so may lead to
* unexpected behavior including corrupt data and RuntimeErrors. Even if
* strict is false it is best practice to conform to the strict requirement
* though failure to do so is not erroneous.
* Multiple Publishers of bytes to/from this Blob may use the same supplier.
* @param strict if true the caller must conform to the strict use requirements
* described above.
* @return a source of ByteBuffers
public Supplier<ByteBuffer> defaultByteBufferSupplier(boolean strict);
* Return the default releaser for ByteBuffers for Subscribers of this Blob's
* bytes. If this Blob's defaultByteBufferSupplier(true) was called, the
* consumer created by calling this method must be used strictly to release
* ByteBuffers passed to the onNext by a publisher Operation created by this
* Blob. Failure to do so may lead to unexpected behavior including corrupt
* data and RuntimeErrors. Even if strict is false it is best practice to
* conform to the strict requirement though failure to do so is not erroneous.
* Multiple Subscribers to bytes from/to this Blob may use the same releaser.
* @return a releaser for ByteBuffers
public Consumer<ByteBuffer> defaultByteBufferReleaser();
* Convenience method that creates a Publisher of the bytes of this Blob. If
* {@code strict} is true, a Subscriber to the created Publisher must pass all
* ByteBuffers passed to onNext to the defaultByteBufferReleaser. Failure to
* do so may lead to unexpected behavior including corrupt data and
* RuntimeErrors. Even if strict is false it is best practice to conform to
* the strict requirement though failure to do so is not erroneous.
* @param strict if true the caller must conform to the strict use requirements
* described above.
* @return a Publisher of the bytes of this Blob
public default CompletionStage<Flow.Publisher<ByteBuffer>> publisher(boolean strict) {
return publisherOperation(defaultByteBufferSupplier(strict)).submit().getCompletionStage();
* Convenience method that creates a Publisher of the bytes of this Blob.
* @return a Publisher of the bytes of this Blob
public default CompletionStage<Flow.Publisher<ByteBuffer>> publisher() {
return publisherOperation(defaultByteBufferSupplier(false)).submit().getCompletionStage();
* Convenience method that creates a Subscriber for bytes in this Blob.
* @return a Subscriber for inserting bytes into this Blob.
public default CompletionStage<Flow.Subscriber<ByteBuffer>> subscriber() {
return subscriberOperation(defaultByteBufferReleaser()).submit().getCompletionStage();
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