
Douglas Surber douglas.surber at
Wed Jun 5 15:57:12 UTC 2019

I believe that even if this were added to the java.sql module, users of that module would not have to use unless they actually used the method. would not be required either to compile against java.sql or to execute code compiled against java.sql unless the method was used. Yes, compiling java.sql would require,jgss, but using the compiled code either to build or execute would not.

Is my understanding correct?

And regardless of whether the above is correct, if we decide not to include this method in java.sql, how should this capability be exposed in standard way? Surely the move to modules is not so restrictive as to prevent exposing such a capability when all the types in question are present in Java SE.


> On Jun 4, 2019, at 10:16 AM, Mark Rotteveel <mark at> wrote:
> On 2019-06-04 16:24, pm at wrote:
>> On 28.05.19 20:54, Douglas Surber wrote:
>>> We have received a request to add the following method to java.sql.ConnectionBuilder.
>>>   /**
>>>    * Provide a GSSCredential to authenticate the connection with the server.
>>>    *
>>>    * @param credential used to authenticate the connection. Not null.
>>>    * @return this ConnectionBuilder
>>>    * @throws SQLException if an error occurs.
>>>    */
>>>   ConnectionBuilder gssCredential(org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential credential) throws SQLException;
>>> Any thoughts?
>> As the JDK is fully modular now the java.sql module will now
>> additionally require the module. Anybody building a
>> customized JDK with jlink with a direct or indirect dependency to
>> java.sql will now have to package as well.
> That sounds like a good argument against this change.
> Mark

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