Reaction to JEP 325/JDK-8192963

netbeans at netbeans at
Wed Aug 22 09:16:53 UTC 2018

Dear JDK dev.

Let me react to JEP 325 (Switch Expressions) and related https://bugs.
( as I do know what it is 
background for this, but could that be fixed more like syntactic sugar?

int value = switch(day) -> {
   case 1:
     return 1;
   case 2: 
     return 2:

as de-sugar:

((Function<Integer,Integer>)(arg) -> {           
           switch(arg) {           
               case 1 : 
                   return 1;
               case 2 :
                   return 2;
                   return 3;                  

Have a nice.

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