java access bridge

Michał Zegan webczat_200 at
Mon Dec 17 19:21:49 UTC 2018

It is not really what the topic was about. It was about the fact that a
32 bit dll is needed to interface with 32 bit screenreaders like nvda,
but is not present in a 64 bit jdk, even though it works with it. And
there is no 64 bit nvda.

W dniu 17.12.2018 o 20:09, Sergey Bylokhov pisze:
> Hi, Michał.
> This dll should be available at "java_home/bin" folder, there is a bug
> that it does not copied to the "windows/system32" by the installer, it will
> be fixed in some of updates of 11u.
> On 15/12/2018 14:09, Michał Zegan wrote:
>> However it is proven that if that dll was installed, accessibility would
>> work. Is it possible to add to jdk11 or later the 32 bit dll too?

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