Introducing time wasters

Roman Kennke roman at
Fri Sep 21 19:33:44 UTC 2018


My favorite so far. Next to dev-productivity.

> Rather than make it specific to 'dev' or 'developers', perhaps
>     productivity-sink
> Dan
> On 9/21/18 2:26 PM, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
>> I also like dev-productivity for many the same reasons!
>> Cheers,
>> Mikael
>>> On Sep 21, 2018, at 4:45 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie
>>> <magnus.ihse.bursie at> wrote:
>>> On 2018-09-21 04:14, Aaron Scott-Boddendijk wrote:
>>>> I like the 'affects-dev' idea but maybe it should say how it affects
>>>> them -
>>>> productivity... "dev-productivity" maybe?
>>> Of all the suggestions given on this list, I like "dev-productivity"
>>> by far best!
>>> It's to the point, but still generic enough to be applied to anything
>>> (not just product bugs, but also slow builds or improper inclusion of
>>> slow tests) what is believed to improve developer productivity.
>>> As you say, developer productivity affects the customers in the end,
>>> but since it does so indirectly, it's not always so clear.
>>> /Magnus
>>>> The productivity losses taking the form of of one or more of the
>>>> following
>>>> (and almost certainly not exhaustive):
>>>> * Redundantly repeated investigation (because the cause and symptoms
>>>> make
>>>> it non-obvious to find in the bug log).
>>>> * Interrupting developer workflow or requiring a low-productivity
>>>> workaround.
>>>> * Impacting workflow efficiency, such as slow builds, tests, requiring
>>>> repeated test-infrastructure tear-up/set-up cycles etc.
>>>> This tag could mark issues that are bad things or good things for
>>>> dev-productivity, anything that improves productivity by better
>>>> tooling or
>>>> removing pain.
>>>> It should be noted that such bugs do impact customers - it's just
>>>> that the
>>>> impact is indirect, they get features and other fixes more slowly
>>>> because
>>>> the team is repeatedly impacted by this bug.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Aaron Scott-Boddendijk
>>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 7:30 AM Mario Torre
>>>> <neugens.limasoftware at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> A "mosquito" bug. Very irritating indeed :)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Mario
>>>>> Il giorno gio 20 set 2018 alle ore 20:32 Alejandro Revilla
>>>>> <apr at> ha scritto:
>>>>>> Why not 'nasty'? It's a nasty bug, after all.
>>>>>> My 2c.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> @apr <>
>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 3:14 PM, Florian Weimer <fweimer at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> * Aleksey Shipilev:
>>>>>>>> dev-hard implies "this requires hard development"?
>>>>>>>> Probably, the variant of "critical-for-dev-experience" to turn the
>>>>>>>> whole thing positive.
>>>>>>> I think the point is the internal impact.  Presumably it's like a
>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>> blocker, except that it's possible to work around once understood
>>>>>>> (but
>>>>>>> then the time waste has already occurred).
>>>>>>> I'm not sure if such bugs are automatically urgent.  It's true
>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>> fix will quickly pay for itself, but that doesn't really tell us
>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>> about priority and severity of the issue (and the difficulty of
>>>>>>> the fix
>>>>>>> 8-).
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Florian
>>>>> -- 
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