Status of jdk/submit notifications

Stanislav Smirnov stanislav.smirnov at
Fri Aug 23 21:15:25 UTC 2019


the notification service for jdk/submit is back online.
If you run into any issues please reach out to ops at

Best regards,
Stanislav Smirnov

> On Aug 20, 2019, at 3:04 PM, Stanislav Smirnov <stanislav.smirnov at> wrote:
> Hello,
> we are experiencing some issues with the internal mailing server.
> Because of it email notifications for jdk/submit stopped working.
> The system itself is working fine, so you can continue using it.
> However in order to check results you will have to either ping somebody from Oracle side,
> or send a request to the ops at <mailto:ops at>.
> We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
> Best regards,
> Stanislav Smirnov

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