Openjdk 13 RC2

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Mon Sep 9 17:19:18 UTC 2019

2019/9/9 5:57:31 -0700, paulcane at
> Any news on the RC2 pre-release that was due late in August? Please point
> me at another list if I should be looking elsewhere for this type of
> information.

We only publish new Release Candidate builds if they’re needed, in order
to fix a super-critical bug.  The “Final Release Candidate” milestone in
the schedule [1] simply means that whatever RC build that we have at
that time will be the final GA (General Availability) build unless
something goes fantastically wrong, in which case the GA date would be
at risk.

So, at this point, we expect the GA build for JDK 13 to be the first and
only RC build, 33, which was promoted on 9 August [2][3].

I’ll make a note to clarify this in JEP 3 [4].

- Mark


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