markdown source for manpages in the jdk source tree

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Oct 20 01:57:52 UTC 2020

Hi Jonathan,

On 19/10/2020 7:57 pm, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for replying!
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 08:06:46AM +1000, David Holmes wrote:
>> The mardown source for the manpages is not currently open-source but is
>> maintained by Oracle.
> Thanks for confirming. Do you know whether there's any plans for this to
> change, or whether a request to Open Source these would have much chance
> of being accepted?

We are looking into it, but it may take a while.

> Backporting the build-script changes to generate the nroff files is
> obviously less appealing without the markdown sources too. Another
> advantage (to Oracle, and everyone) of opening the source documents
> would be opening the possibility of third parties contributing doc fixes
> more easily.

Anyone can contribute via the nroff files. We just take any such changes 
and apply them to the markdown sources and regenerate.


> Best wishes,

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