Question about JDK-6925410

Frederick Zhang frederick888 at
Wed Aug 4 02:38:25 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,

I've got a question about JDK-6925410 [1] and I hope this is the right
place to ask.

I'm experiencing some slowness when handling XML request bodies in
Spring. After digging into the code, it led me to [2] where it
instantiates XMLReader upon every request. And the reason of the
slowness here seems to be related to JDK-6925410, since after
pre-assigning a parser via
the slowness was gone.

Although I understand creating new XMLReader instances every time is an
anti-pattern, JDK-6925410 mentioned that there was a fix put in place on
jaxp's side so I'm wondering what the fix was?

I tried downloading relevant sources from [3][4][5] for comparison but
some links were broken. Then I checked out the latest JDK code [6] and
it's still doing the class scanning but the method has been marked as
deprecated. May I know if people are simply suggested to migrate to
SAXParserFactory or there's another way of using XMLReaderFactory to
avoid the scanning without pre-assigning any parser?


Best regards,
Frederick Zhang

Email: frederick888 at
PGP:   8BFB EA5B 4C44 BFAC C8EC 5F93 1F92 8BE6 0D8B C11D

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