Failure adopt JRE 11 at AIX

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Dec 21 22:06:15 UTC 2021

Hi Thomas,

On 22/12/2021 12:47 am, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> Hi,
> we maintained the AIX port until very recently, but in theory at least IBM
> should now provide support.
> That said, you cannot spawn threads. Failure to do so can have several
> reasons:

You overlooked this part:

# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 32744 bytes for 

unable to create the threads was just one part of the problem.


> - you run against the AIX specific limit for the number of threads or
> processes on your system.
> - On AIX, thread stacks live in the UNIX data segment. That can get crowded
> out by the java heap even if there is enough space on the system, since the
> data segment can only grow in place. Try the following AIX-specific switch:
> -XX:MaxExpectedDataSegmentSize=16G (don't worry, this does not allocate
> memory, just provides breathing space for the data segment). Alternatively,
> run with -XX:-UseCompressedOops.
> - You may run against the data limit (rlimit) for the data segment and
> cannot allocate thread stacks. Consult the man page for ulimit.
> HTH,
> Thomas
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 12:38 PM Simonovsky, Pavel <Pavel_Simonovsky at>
> wrote:
>> Yes - but from output of topas - it does not seems to be a case...
>> There is plenty of free memory on system.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: jdk-dev <jdk-dev-retn at> On Behalf Of Andrew Haley
>> Sent: יום ג 21 דצמבר 2021 13:30
>> To: jdk-dev at
>> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Failure adopt JRE 11 at AIX
>> On 12/21/21 11:18, Simonovsky, Pavel wrote:
>>> All my attempts to play with " -Xms1024M -Xmx4000M"  (" -Xms6000M
>> -Xmx6000M" and so on) - did not resolve a problem.
>> Your operating system seems to be telling the JDK that it has no more
>> memory to give.
>> --
>> Andrew Haley  (he/him)
>> Java Platform Lead Engineer
>> Red Hat UK Ltd. <
>> EAC8
>> <>
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