-Xcomp test time regressions?

Igor Ignatev igor.ignatyev at oracle.com
Mon Jun 28 14:13:47 UTC 2021

Hi Aleksey,

> On Jun 28, 2021, at 6:55 AM, Aleksey Shipilev <shade at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
>> On 6/28/21 3:18 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Did we use to handle the TEST_VM_OPTS differently, such that it didn't
>> apply to the javac part?
> Looking at test history, I think -Xcomp always applied to javac, but now -Xcomp is slower itself, and it shows. See below.
>>> Before I go and bisect this more thoroughly, is this an already known
>>> thing?
> Bisected.
> Yes, it is a known thing:
>  https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8264903
> So maybe we should attack it from a different angle: somehow ask jtreg to invoke javac without additional JVM options, so we don't spend significant time -Xcomp-ing javac itself. I tried to add "@build <testname>" to the exemplar test, but it is still compiled with -Xcomp. Either way, even if that worked, it would be awkward to add to every test out there.
> jtreg docs say that -vmoption is used when compiling and running classes. I cannot find the option that could provide different VM options to compiling and running classes. Adding one might make sense?
-javaoption is that option; and we should use it instead of -vmoption, IIRC we have discussed that before but there were blocking issues, e.g. some tests passing only vmoption to a child JVM, so we need to double check if it all got resolved and make a change. I’ll file a ticket for that. 

— Igor

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