Clarification regarding the GitHub Actions pre-submit testing

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Thu Mar 18 12:43:21 UTC 2021

First of all, let me apologize for my previous mail. It was really 
expressing my personal opinions, but I framed it as a general dictate. 
We need to discuss this question as a community, and establish ground 
rules that everyone can accept, and that we can practically continue to 

On 2021-03-17 22:35, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2021/3/17 4:42:43 -0700, magnus.ihse.bursie at
>> There have been a lot of questions and uncertainty about the recently
>> enabled GitHub Actions pre-submit testing. Let me clarify a few points
>> about these GHA tests.
>> * It is not a requirement to have green results from GHA tests to
>> integrate a fix. Nothing in the OpenJDK bylaws, or the JDK project rules
>> requires this.
> It’s true that there’s no formal requirement of this nature, but it
> seems that some contributors think that it should be a requirement.
> A discussion of this issue is overdue, so let’s have it.
Great! I'm really looking forward to this discussion and I'm glad to 
finally see it happening.

>> ...
>> * The Build Team will not engage in solving problems with building or
>> running tests on GHA machines. We have no access to these machines, and
>> no ability to fix problems with them. Any requests to fix issues with
>> GHA will be ignored.
> Who is the “Build Team?”  Are you speaking for yourself, or on their
> behalf?
>> * Oracle employees should not engage with GHA issues. Oracle has its own
>> internal, and much superior, building and testing system. Oracle
>> employees should use and rely on this system for building and testing
>> code, instead of GHA.
> It is not appropriate, on this list, to discuss what Oracle employees
> should or should not do.
> - Mark

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