Clarification regarding the GitHub Actions pre-submit testing

Andrew Haley aph at
Fri Mar 19 10:00:16 UTC 2021

On 3/18/21 10:20 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2021/3/18 11:31:25 -0700, Andrew Haley <aph at>:
>> On 3/18/21 6:14 PM, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
>>> On 3/18/21 5:51 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> If we are to allow many ports into OpenJDK, and I believe we should,
>>>> then the burden of even stubbing things out to make sure that all
>>>> weird ports work is intolerable for contributors. It can not scale.
>>> ...that feeds into question which ports do we accept to GHA.
>>> "Weird ports" [1] should not be the part of it. Current list
>>> includes all actively maintained mainline ports: x86_64,
>>> x86_32, aarch64, arm32, ppc64le, s390x, zero. For which not
>>> only we have active maintainers, but we also have build
>>> instructions in OpenJDK docs, not to mention the GHA workflow
>>> script itself.
>> For avoidance of doubt, I'm very much in favour of GHA testing and
>> think there should be more of it, and weird ports may be included.
>> Information is good.
>> Here's how I think it could work. If there is an obvious/trivial
>> fix revealed by GHA testing, the committer should fix it,
>> Otherwise, it should be fixed by the port maintainer. In the
>> latter case, the committer should try to contact the port
>> maintainer to explain the situation. The committer isn't required
>> to wait for longer than X days.
> Two questions:
>   (1) If weird ports are included in GHA testing then doesn’t that leave
>       contributors with the intolerable burden of stubbing things out in
>       a way that does not scale, as you wrote earlier (see above)?

Perhaps. In that case all a contributor has to do is send a mail to
porters-dev saying "This patch may break your port." That doesn't even
need to scale out because porters-dev reaches maintainers of all ports.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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