JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries
Sean Mullan
sean.mullan at
Wed May 5 12:55:51 UTC 2021
-bcc jdk-dev
-cc security-dev
On 5/5/21 12:04 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> I think we are talking past each other here. You keep talking about
> untrusted code, which sounds like applets to me. I've read and still
> have a copy of Li Gong's book, applets were only one of the
> considerations. I am talking about authorization and access control. We
> use and develop distributed or p2p systems, we don't allow untrusted
> code to run at all, never ever, that's a dumb idea, so lets stop talking
> about untrusted code, we don't use that. We do utilize dynamic
> downloaded code from others and use dynamic class loading, we verify
> this prior to loading. We check it's authorized to run before running
> it. Again I repeat, we do not run untrusted code, that would allow an
> attacker to cause denial of service etc, the JVM has no control over
> badly behaving code.
But you use self-signed certificates to sign the code that will be run.
There is no trust in self-signed certificates unless you have previously
used some out-of-band mechanism to trust the public key. I still don't
understand why this is not the same as running untrusted code, even if
the code is sandboxed. And trusting the TLS server is not an equivalent
basis of trust.
> We've been using this since Java 1.4, to control access to networks,
> file systems and other custom permissions we created, it is used to
> protect access to sensitive data. We are still using it. I understand
> access control will be removed:
> We would like to continue restricting access to data after the above is
> removed. Will Java be introducing new Role Based Access Control API or
> something similar?
> Our software will fail to run on Java after the above is removed. I
> understand we have to remove access control functionality from our
> software for it to continue functioning? We do need to understand how
> this will impact security, I think you are trying to convince me or
> yourself that security will not be impacted? We can't just assume we
> can remove access control and our software will be no less secure.
> What is the new API for access control in Java.
> Obviously we won't have a call stack with domains, I don't know how we
> will transfer the user Subject to other threads, for TLS and Kerberos
> connections. No doubt something is planned.
There is a plan for preserving the capability to transfer Subjects to
other threads. It is described in the JEP:
> Is the recommendation simply not to upgrade Java until new access
> control API is developed?
> <SNIP>
>>> Please provide some examples, migration options suggestions will be
>>> appreciated.
>> I’ve jotted down some thoughts in a blog post:
> Noted, a good start. I get the feeling this JEP is being rushed through
> however, with little regard for those of us who were foolish enough to
> use Java's security API's and will have to suffer the consequences.
>>> With Serialization, we've been given more than ample notice to do
>>> something about migrating away from it, but OpenJDK paints over it
>>> and wastes resources adding features to putty and paint over it some
>>> more, features that no one uses. Removing Serialization has greater
>>> appeal :)
>>> This step to remove SecurityManager is so sudden with no replacement
>>> options, it's a broken promise to developers, who've invested in Java.
>>> Removing SecurityManager has a significantly negative effect on
>>> security for me, just so you know. I'm not happy about its proposed
>>> removal, but I realise there's not much I can do about it, other than
>>> request it be done in the least painful manner.
>>> I began learning Java over 20 years ago, I understand the need to
>>> keep Java relevant, however move quickly and break things is for
>>> younger software platforms.
>> Not everyone has to agree with every priority decision, and the
>> process doesn’t require convincing every last Java developer. But
>> it is not sudden, and there will be alternatives for those aspects of
>> Security Manager that more people use. I don’t think it is fair
>> to harm millions of Java developers by diverting resources from
>> features they want to features very few people want, as long as
>> a reasonable removal process is employed, and I think it is here.
>>> Once SecurityManager has been removed, we will lose control over who
>>> has access to sensitive data, so it's likely we will be stuck on the
>>> last version of Java that provides SecurityManager. The best way I
>>> can see for those who need the level of security that SecurityManager
>>> provides is to maintain a community LTS edition on OpenJDK, it will
>>> be much easier to maintain and backport security patches if
>>> Serialization in its current form has been removed, as it will likely
>>> have been removed from later versions of Java by that time.
>> I disagree. I don’t think that the Security Manager offers a higher
>> level of security, just a very elaborate and fine-grained one.
> Right now I can limit network access using a permission, or I can
> prevent file access, database access, or even access to objects
> themselves. This is for generally well behaved party's, but we still
> have to have controls in place.
> Regarding a higher level of security:
> Q1. What does an attacker who is using serialization as an attack vector
> want to gain?
> A1. Property: intellectual, fiat currency, identity theft etc.
> Q2. Why does an attacker use Serialization as the attack vector?
> A2. Because it allows an attacker to create any object they like in the
> JVM, even inject code, the attacker first attempts privilege
> escalation. Java makes this easy, because the implementation doesn't
> place an unprivileged ProtectionDomain onto the call stack. A simple
> initial fix would have been to modify the AccessControlContext to
> include an unprivileged ProtectionDomain on the call stack when a user
> creates an instance of ObjectInputStream. Granted there were still
> cases of JVM classes that deserialized into a doPrivileged call that
> needed to be addressed.
> Q3. SecurityManager and policy providers use whitlists. The complaint
> about SecurityManager is that whitelisting is too complex. Why
> entertain a new white listing api for Java Serialization, when
> complexity is the argument for removing SecurityManager, but it's even
> worse than SecurityManager, at least with the policy whitelist you have
> some forward knowledge.
> A3. Any ideas?
>>> Lets be clear Java will no longer be able to finely control access to
>>> sensitive data with the removal of SecurityManager. I'm sure it will
>>> be a great bonus for OpenJDK dev's not to have to think about, but it
>>> will impact some developers significantly, who would like to do so
>>> with the least suffering possible.
>> I wouldn’t say Java (or anything else, for that matter) is “able" to
>> do it now, except in the sense that people (scientists) are
>> able (in a billion-dollar particle accelerator) to transmute lead into
>> gold (a few atoms). We’ve had twenty five years to convince the world
>> this could work, the world isn’t buying, and our job isn’t to sell
>> ideas but to serve millions of developers by giving them
>> what we believe they need now, not what we wished they wanted.
>> — Ron
> Of course Java is "able" to do access control, it's well documented, I
> have working examples. No security defense is 100% effective, if you
> look at the history of defenses, they continue to evolve. Just because
> ObjectInputStream was a huge security hole, it didn't inject an
> unprivileged ProtectionDomain onto the stack, which would have stopped a
> number of deserialization gadgets. ObjectInputStream runs as
> privileged code, tut, tut, tut! Perl taint mode anyone?
> Java 6 introduced a security feature where an object will not be
> constructed if Object's constructor is not called, so that invariants
> must be satisfied before object creation. Java Serialziation bypasses
> this. Prior to Java 6, objects could be left in a partially constructed
> state and obtained via a finalizer attack.
> Besides, serialization whitelists don't protect against denial of
> service, so why have them at all if you using trusted systems and TLS
> connections? Java Serialization should never be used to process
> untrusted data, because it doesn't and cannot validate invariants until
> after objects are constructed which is too late. As soon as you
> implement Serializable, all the effort you put into defensively coding
> constructors can be bypassed. So why code defensively at all if we
> leave a back door wide open anyway? All code is trusted now right, soon
> we can make sure all connections are secure, so we don't need to worry
> about input validation anymore either right, because the users are
> trusted now too? Maybe we should just whitelist the classes allowed to
> run on the JVM and not worry about coding defensively? Sounds silly,
> well that's how it sounds to me, just thought I'd put it into perspective.
> Java Serialization still compromises the security of the JVM because it
> doesn't prevent object creation if invariants aren't satisfied, the
> vulnerability is still there, and future attackers will find a way take
> advantage of it for that reason.
> It is clear that no further progress will be made in this matter and I
> will simply have to live with the consequences. Stick a fork in me,
> because I'm done.
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