[External] : Re: GitHub/Mailing list communication defunct?

erik.joelsson at oracle.com erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Wed Sep 1 14:59:46 UTC 2021

The fix was deployed about 30 mins ago and I've seen several missing 
emails being posted since. However, Skara has a built in limit to only 
consider emails up to 14 days old. Since this has been defunct for a 
much longer time, I'm going to temporarily deploy a version with a 
longer limit so that older emails are found and posted.


On 2021-08-31 18:42, David Holmes wrote:
> FYI the problem has now been identified and a fix prepared. It should 
> be deployed soon.
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/SKARA-1148
> Only certain mailing lists are affected and it can change each month 
> David
> On 12/08/2021 10:03 am, David Holmes wrote:
>> Just FYI the problem is still under investigation and still seems to 
>> persist for some ML's but not all.
>> David
>> On 28/07/2021 3:44 am, tim.bell at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Hello
>>>> if someone comments/replies directly to the mailing list thread 
>>>> (like Bernd and I did, during this past hour[2]), those comments 
>>>> aren't being registered in that github PR. This used to work 
>>>> previously and seems to be broken right now. 
>>> We are aware of this problem and still investigating.  We don't have 
>>> a root cause or an ETA for this.
>>> Tim
>>> On 7/22/21 09:21, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>>> FWIW, it looks like this isn't fully back to normal. From what I 
>>>> can see in one of the PR's[1] I'm involved in, if I comment 
>>>> directly on the PR through the github UI, a mail is now getting 
>>>> delivered to the relevant mailing lists. So this part is back to 
>>>> normal now.
>>>> However, if someone comments/replies directly to the mailing list 
>>>> thread (like Bernd and I did, during this past hour[2]), those 
>>>> comments aren't being registered in that github PR. This used to 
>>>> work previously and seems to be broken right now.
>>>> [1] 
>>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/4607__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!eNjD04SNNH9INHTt0cyyed12lRNw9aZfSspNKh0ILIUQCIcvka-_vJ8XHXipGIQ$ 
>>>> [2] 
>>>> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2021-July/079994.html 
>>>> -Jaikiran
>>>> On 22/07/21 3:03 am, tim.bell at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>> just recognized that all of a sudden the traffic on the OpenJDK 
>>>>>> mailing lists dropped
>>>>> About an hour ago we corrected a problem on the Skara server 
>>>>> processing external (EG: github) messages.  Message traffic should 
>>>>> be flowing again.
>>>>> Messages for events during the outage are lost.  We will be 
>>>>> holding a port-mortem to investigate why this outage was not 
>>>>> noticed sooner, and why there was a data loss.
>>>>> Tim
>>>>> On 7/21/21 14:29, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Christoph,
>>>>>> On 22/07/2021 1:07 am, Langer, Christoph wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> there's still no traffic on the mailing lists...
>>>>>>> It would be much appreciated if you could share an update on the 
>>>>>>> status.
>>>>>> There was no update to share I'm afraid but it has now been 
>>>>>> resolved.
>>>>>> It seems likely that the missing mail is gone forever unfortunately.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Christoph
>>>>>>> From: Langer, Christoph
>>>>>>> Sent: Dienstag, 20. Juli 2021 08:23
>>>>>>> To: ops at openjdk.java.net; skara-dev at openjdk.java.net; 
>>>>>>> jdk-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>>>>> Subject: GitHub/Mailing list communication defunct?
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I just recognized that all of a sudden the traffic on the 
>>>>>>> OpenJDK mailing lists dropped... First I thought it's an issue 
>>>>>>> with my account but looking at the pipermail archives, I don't 
>>>>>>> find any mails after e.g. some time yesterday. And I guess 
>>>>>>> there's still the usual activity on GitHub...
>>>>>>> Are you aware of an issue?
>>>>>>> Thanks & Best regards
>>>>>>> Christoph

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