JEP String Templates

Jim Laskey james.laskey at
Sat Mar 19 17:26:02 UTC 2022

I think you are looking for a different feature which is to get a list of locals with values. This is not likely to happen due to the potential for vulnerability exploit. 

The fields solution can be handled using reflection and a template policy to display fields with values. 

— Jim


> On Mar 19, 2022, at 2:07 PM, Jonathan Locke <jon at> wrote:
> Hello JDK Developers,
> Regarding the JEP for String Templates (, I thought it would be an interesting feature to allow the substitution of multiple variables at the same time:
>  “\{fields:*}”
> would give all the fields to the formatter, which could produce a nice “x = 5, x1 = 9” kind of output by default. 
> For local variables:
>  “\{locals:*}”
> For both:
>  “\{fields:*,locals:*}”
> For and, of course, general globbing:
>  “\{fields:user*}”
> Would match fields starting with “user” like “userIdentifier” and “userName"
> Best, 
>   Jon

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