JEP draft: Prepare to Restrict The Use of JNI

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at
Mon Aug 28 21:36:19 UTC 2023

> On 28 Aug 2023, at 21:58, Spam mail <4evnyuij at> wrote:
> You don’t need to add a flag to the startup args to use a library..?
> The classpath manifest entry exists, and shading is still a very prominent thing (although not the best practise). A medium-sized application with ~7 libraries can be launched with java -jar app.jar just fine, if you configure your build correctly.

I said a flag or a manifest attribute or something even more complicated (by which I referred to shading). Therefore, requiring another flag or a manifest attribute won't make building or launching that 7-library program significantly harder, however you choose to build it or launch it.

— Ron

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