[External] : Re: JEP draft: Prepare to Restrict The Use of JNI

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Tue Aug 29 16:33:19 UTC 2023

On 8/29/2023 9:29 AM, Attila Kelemen wrote:
>     The whole point of this JEP is to give the choice of enabling JNI to
>     the
>     user. If a library developer can enable JNI by saying `requires
>     native;`
>     in a module, then the choice isn't given to the user.
> It is not about the library developer enabling JNI to the user (though I 
> do remember that somebody mentioned that possibility as well). Glavo, 
> and many others (including me) want the *main* module to be able to 
> declare it, and the main module is the user.

The main module is not the user. The user is the person who develops, 
maintains, or otherwise "owns" the application. The main module is part 
of the application. The point of the JEP is to let the user, outside the 
application, acknowledge the risk arising from use of JNI inside the 
application (whether in the main module or six levels down).


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