Minor thoughts (Re: [External] : Re: JEP draft: Prepare to Restrict The Use of JNI

Simon Nash simon at cjnash.com
Thu Aug 31 19:44:30 UTC 2023

On 31/08/2023 14:03, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> If running such a program on a new Java version all of a sudden yields a security warning out of the blue telling them that what they do is dangerous, 
> unsecure etc. will scare them to death and eventually scare them away from Java, making them turn to other programming runtime environments that do not scare 
> them.
I have read all the messages on the list about this subject and I think this is the most compelling reason I have seen for not requiring the new flag. My own 
application can work around the issue by adding the Enable-Native-Access: ALL-UNNAMED attribute to its launcher jar but the warning will still be produced when 
an older version of the application that does not contain the new attribute is being used with a newer JDK.

In my experience, Java already has something of an undeserved reputation for being unsafe and this change will reinforce this perception, despite the intention 
to do the opposite.

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