Making the source code utf-8

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Thu Feb 9 18:04:50 UTC 2023

On 09.02.2023 18:19, Stuart Marks wrote:
> That said, that documentation could just as well be in a README instead 
> of a JEP. I just want to make sure it gets written down in a good place 
> so that people don't have to go digging through email threads (like this 
> one) to figure out what happened.

I suppose update frequency would play a role in the choice: if something 
is going to be frequently updated, then a README that can updated along 
with a push seems appropriate.

On the other hand, if the information is going to be set the standard 
for development for a while, then an informational JEP would seem more 
appropriate to me.

I suppose we don't foresee moving off utf-8 after the migration, so in 
this case I think the latter may be better.

dalibor topic

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