JEP proposed to target JDK 21: 439: Generational ZGC

Mark Reinhold mark.reinhold at
Wed May 3 20:45:33 UTC 2023

The following JEP is proposed to target JDK 21:

  439: Generational ZGC

  Summary: Improve application performance by extending the Z Garbage
  Collector (ZGC) to maintain separate generations for young and old
  objects.  This will allow ZGC to collect young objects — which tend
  to die young — more frequently.

Feedback on this proposal from JDK Project Committers and Reviewers [1]
is more than welcome, as are reasoned objections.  If no such objections
are raised by 23:59 UTC on Wednesday, 10 May, or if they’re raised and
then satisfactorily answered, then per the JEP 2.0 process proposal [2]
I’ll target this JEP to JDK 21.

- Mark


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