Reminder: file JDK 22 CSRs well ahead of December 7, 2023 rampdown 1 start

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at
Fri Nov 3 00:25:40 UTC 2023

PS Thanks for the CSRs submitted in the interim; now less than five 
weeks until ramp down 1 inception,


On 10/24/2023 7:05 PM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> Hello,
> Per the JDK 22 schedule (, the 
> rampdown 1 phase of JDK 22 starts on December 7, 2023, a bit over six 
> weeks from today.
> An advanced reminder to factor in sufficient review time for any 
> projects needing CSR review before getting pushed into JDK 22, which 
> includes JEPs. Large projects, including JEPs, should often use the 
> two-phase CSR process ( 
> rather than the one-phase process. The nominal SLA for each CSR phase 
> is one week. To accommodate the possibility of needing to respond to 
> feedback from the CSR, I recommend a large project that has not 
> already had CSR review budget at least four weeks of CSR review time 
> ahead of a planned integration date.
> Particularly large or complex projects should factor in additional time.
> A JEP should have gone through the first phase of CSR review, getting 
> to Provisional state, before being Proposed to Target for a release. 
> Please plan accordingly.
> Cheers,
> -Joe
> CSR Lead

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