Scenario 1, exploiting JRE from non-Java (Re: Minor thoughts (Re: [External] : Re: JEP draft: Prepare to Restrict The Use of JNI

Rony G. Flatscher Rony.Flatscher at
Tue Sep 5 09:53:23 UTC 2023

Consider the following ooRexx program that exploits the JRE (the Java classes available via the Java 
runtime environment, installed by OpenJDK):

    /* purpose: demonstrate how to fetch and list all links with jsoup */
    parse arg source     -- command line argument: can be html, xml; a local file or URL
    url? = source ~startsWith("http")   -- do we need to parse a URL?
    timeout = 10000                     -- timeout: 10 sec (10000 msec)
    if url? then src=.bsf~new("", source)  -- create URL object
             else src=.bsf~new("", source)  -- create File object

    clzJsoup = bsf.importClass("org.jsoup.Jsoup")      -- import Jsoup class
    if url? then rootNode = clzJsoup~parse(src, 10000) -- timeout: 10 second
             else rootNode = clzJsoup~parse(src)

    allLinks = rootNode~select("a")  -- get all a-elements
    len=length(allLinks~size)        -- get length of size for right-adjusting
    say "there are" pp(allLinks~size) "links"
    do counter c link over allLinks  -- iterate over the collection (ArrayList)
        -- say "#" c~right(len)":" pp(link~absURL('href')) "for" pp(link~text)
        say "#" c~right(len)":" pp(link~attr('href')) "for" pp(link~text)

    ::requires "BSF.CLS"             -- get ooRexx-Java bridge
    /* purpose: demonstrate how to fetch and list all links with jsoup */
    parse arg source     -- command line argument: can be html, xml; a local file or URL
    url? = source ~startsWith("http")   -- do we need to parse a URL?
    timeout = 10000                     -- timeout: 10 sec (10000 msec)
    if url? then src=.bsf~new("", source)  -- create URL object
             else src=.bsf~new("", source)  -- create File object

    clzJsoup = bsf.importClass("org.jsoup.Jsoup")      -- import Jsoup class
    if url? then rootNode = clzJsoup~parse(src, 10000) -- timeout: 10 second
             else rootNode = clzJsoup~parse(src)

    allLinks = rootNode~select("a")  -- get all a-elements
    len=length(allLinks~size)        -- get length of size for right-adjusting
    say "there are" pp(allLinks~size) "links"
    do counter c link over allLinks  -- iterate over the collection (ArrayList)
        -- say "#" c~right(len)":" pp(link~absURL('href')) "for" pp(link~text)
        say "#" c~right(len)":" pp(link~attr('href')) "for" pp(link~text)

    ::requires "BSF.CLS"             -- get ooRexx-Java bridge

The result of running the above program against

    E:\WU\Lehrveranstaltungen\Materialien\BP2_AutoJava\254_AutoJava_jsoup_code>rexx jsoup_05.rxj
    there are [132] links
    #   1: [] for [Java Platform,
    Standard Edition]
    #   2: [projects/jdk/20] for [latest open-source JDK]
    #   3: [] for []
    #   4: [] for [here]
    #   5: [projects/amber] for [Amber]
    #   6: [] for [Loom]
    #   7: [projects/panama] for [Panama]
    #   8: [] for [Valhalla]
    #   9: [projects/jdk/19] for [the next version of Java and the JDK]
    #  10: [] for []

    ... cut ...

    # 119: [/projects/tiered-attrib] for [Tiered Attribution]
    # 120: [/projects/tsan] for [Tsan]
    # 121: [/projects/type-annotations] for [Type Annotations]
    # 122: [/projects/valhalla] for [Valhalla]
    # 123: [/projects/verona] for [Verona]
    # 124: [/projects/visualvm] for [VisualVM]
    # 125: [/projects/wakefield] for [Wakefield]
    # 126: [/projects/zero] for [Zero]
    # 127: [/projects/zgc] for [ZGC]
    # 128: [] for []
    # 129: [/legal/tou/] for [Terms of Use]
    # 130: [/legal/gplv2+ce.html] for [GPLv2]
    # 131: [] for [Privacy]
    # 132: [] for [Trademarks]

This program runs on all versions of Java/OpenJDK unchanged.

With your currently intended warning all of a sudden all users of such programs/applications get 
frightened for no good reason!


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